Academic Letters...
Below are our articles on the subject of Academic Letters. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Letter Asking That a Child Be Challenged More Academically
Does your child excel at school but currently lack motivation? Perhaps they are not being adequately challenged. We show you how to raise your concerns with your…...
Letter to School About a Problem With a Child's Teacher
The most efficient and tactful way to write to a school about a child's problems getting on with his or her teacher....
Letter to School Asking for Copy of Ofsted Report
All about how to tactfully ask a school for a copy of their Ofsted report....
Letter to School Asking for Improved Academic Resources
Are you worried about tatty textbooks, outdated software or insufficient sports equipment at your child's school? Here is an example of a letter that could be sent to…...
Letter to School Asking for School's League Table Position
An article looking at the most tactful way to discover a school's position in the league table by contacting the school's relevant members of staff....
Letter to School for Information on Literacy Objectives
The best way to approach a school about its literacy objectives, and includes a sample letter to ask schools for more information on this topic....
Letter to School for Information on Numeracy Objectives
How to approach a school to discuss its numeracy objectives, including a sample letter to ask schools for more information on this issue....
Letter to School for Learning Difficulties Assessment
An article looking at the issues surrounding a child's assessment for special educational needs and how to ask a school to assess a child....
Letter to School For Meeting About a Child's Report
An article about how to ask a school for help in a face-to-face meeting after receiving a child's progress report....